Serving God and Neighbor
At Saint Benedict's we encourage all our members to grow and serve in ministry. The Church is the Body of Christ in this world, and each of us are members of it (1 Cor: 2:27). As members of this Body, we truly are His hands, His feet and His eyes in our world. To be a Christian, then, is to be committed to action, to living out our faith through service to one another: Jesus said, "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve." (Mark 10:45). We are Christians, we are the Church, we are the Body of Christ, not to be served but to serve and every member of our parish has something to offer towards the Mission of the Church.
Friday at 8 PM in Father Albert Hall, call 1-347-387-0079
Al Anon
Fridays 7 - 8 PM for beginners and 8 - 9 PM for the regular meeting in the Convent
Bible Study
Tuesday 7:00 PM - please monitor the website and bulletin for updated information
Bereavement Support Group
If anyone is interested, please call the rectory at 718-828-3403, ext. 101
CCD - Religious Education
Sundays 10:30 AM - 12 PM and Wednesdays 4:15 - 5:45 PM in Parish School
Children of Light Charismatic Group
Monday 7:30 PM, Providence Rest, Waterbury Avenue
Adults rehearse Wednesdays 7:15 - 8:30 PM, and sing at Mass on Sunday at 11 AM
Children rehearse Wednesday 2:45 - 4 PM, and sing at Mass on Sunday at 9:30 AM
Fife and Drum Corps
Monday at 6 PM at the Parish School
Legion of Mary
Wednesday 7:30 PM at Convent Chapel
Men's Cornerstone
Wednesday 7 PM at the Convent
Wednesday 6:30 PM at the Convent
Northeast Bronx Senior Center - St. Benedict's Senior Citizens
Tuesday 12:30 PM at the Convent 1-718-823-1925
Overeaters Anonymous
Monday 7 PM at the Convent
Sunday 11 AM and then meet at 12 Noon in the Convent
Classes being in September and end in May
Respect Life Ministry
2nd or 4th Friday of the Month 7: PM at the Convent
Knights of Columbus