Serving God and Neighbor
TO REGISTER send email to [email protected]
It is the mission of the Religious Education Program to support and assist parents in the formation of their children in their Catholic Faith along with striving to instill an abiding love of God and neighbor.
Our program beginnings in late September and runs until May for grades 1-8. We accept High School students.
Sacrament preparation for First Penance & First Holy Communion and Confirmation require at least 2 years of class instruction and weekly Mass attendance. This is a policy of the Archdiocese of New York.
Classes offered on 2 days: EITHER Sunday-10:30am to Noon OR Wednesday-4:15pm to 5:45pm
PAYMENTS can be made at the Rectory In-Person |CASH or CHECK only OR Online|CREDIT or DEBIT. Rectory business hours: Monday- Friday|9:00am-NOON /1:00pm-3:00pm & Saturday|9:00am-1:00pm
REGISTRATION FEE (paid annually): 1 child=$125; 2 children=$175; 3 children=$225